The stomach's communication with its related acupoints
This data compliments a paper entitled: "The stomach’s communication with its related acupoints, and the 'intelligent tissue' hypothesis" which is still in preparation. The paper fully describes and analyses the data.
Steps to reproduce
The experiment monitored the impedance at key stomach-related acupoints while the subject drank chilled water on an empty stomach. The acupoints were first located by an experienced TCM acupuncturist, then the point of lowest impedance was located electrically. At each acupoint, a pair of custom-made electrodes were used, set at a distance of 6 mm apart, and a standard ECG electrode was connected at 4-10 cm from each acupoint, as an earth. Gel was used on each electrode to assist conductivity. A 40 kHz 200 mv sine wave was passed through the electrodes, and the voltage monitored. A custom-made unit converted the voltages to DC, then passed these to a data logger which sampled the voltages at 1 kHz. An Access database and macro was used to control the data logger and convert the voltage samples into KΩ values before they were imported into Matlab and filtered to produce the plots. Full details of all the techniques and equipment used can be found in the following documents. Subject A was a male, aged 34, diagnosed with poor stomach and pancreas function (usually known as “Stomach chi deficiency” and “Spleen chi deficiency” in Chinese Medicine). On the day of the experiment, 31 March 2018, he ate his main meal at 13:30, then went for a long walk outdoors. The recording then began at 17:06. The room temperature was 19.34C. The water consisted of 140ml of filtered tap water, chilled to 0.9C. He was asked to blink when he began swallowing the water, so that the researcher could mark this by pressing a switch; and he drank the water in continuous gulps, without letting it pause in his mouth. The researcher pressed the switch again to mark the last swallow. This produced 2 time values that are marked on the plots with vertical green lines. The subject had participated in this same experiment a few days previously; and shortly after drinking the chilled water, an ache developed at his Ren-12 acupoint. This time he was asked to pay attention to this ache, to score its intensity between 0 and 10, and to mention the score at any time that the ache seemed to change in intensity.