Data of Nurses/Midwives' Personality Traits and Work Experience in Patient Safety
This study aimed to address the following research questions: 1. Do the safety attitudes of nurses and midwives correlate with any or all of the following personality traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness? 2. Are the safety attitudes of nurses and midwives influenced by their length of work experience, work setting, or attended undergraduate programs? 3. Is there a relationship between the personality traits and safety attitudes of student nurses/midwives and nurses/midwives? The study utilized a questionnaire divided into three sections: Demographic Information, Personality Traits, and Safety Attitudes. Different demographic questions were given to postgraduate nurses/midwives and undergraduate student nurses/midwives. The Personality Traits section included 44 questions covering Extraversion (8 questions), Agreeableness (9 questions), Conscientiousness (9 questions), Neuroticism (8 questions), and Openness (10 questions). The Safety Attitudes section comprised 34 questions categorized into four sub-groups: Understanding of job roles, Teamwork in Emergencies, Overall Importance of Effective Teamwork and Communication, and the Importance of Clear Communication within the Nursing/Midwifery Team. Both personality traits and safety attitudes were assessed using a 5-point Likert scale (1: Disagree Strongly, 2: Disagree a Little, 3: Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4: Agree a Little, 5: Agree Strongly).
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The respondents for this study included postgraduate (registered nurses/midwives) and undergraduate (student nurses/midwives) students from higher educational institutions in Ireland and Greece. The authors were affiliated with an Irish university (referred to as University A) that participated in the study. At University A, participants were invited via emails and flyers, resulting in 107 fully completed questionnaires. In the other ten universities, participants received the survey link through designated gatekeepers. This effort yielded 136 fully completed questionnaires from other universities in Ireland and 137 from universities in Greece, totalling 380 fully completed questionnaires. The survey was distributed using Qualtrics, and data analysis was conducted using SPSS. All participants provided informed consent, and the data collected includes responses from those who consented to participate. The survey was conducted entirely anonymously.