LiberateSkills PROMOTE Project Interview Analysis

Published: 19 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r23y6nfpsp.1
Rhianon Williams, Helny Hobbs


Funded by Erasmus+, the PROMOTE Center of Vocational Excellence is part of the LiberateSkills Pact for Skills in the European Union. In the second half of 2024, each partner country in the PROMOTE Consortium first undertook a Developing A Curriculum (DACUM) workshop, where front line workers performing roles in the justice system were invited to draw out a common understanding of the duties, skills, knowledge and competencies required to perform specific roles in the justice ecosystem. Professional profiles were developed from this DACUM exercise. In each partner country, the consortium was then tasked with providing 20 in depth interviews, each one analysing one professional profile, and cross-referencing stated duties, knowledge, attributes and competencies with their professional experience of that role. Interview protocol and guidelines were developed and used, containing standard questions for each of the respondents. The target groups are correctional professionals and practitioners involved in the correctional ecosystem or in settings that contribute to the community integration of sentenced persons. Consortium partners were requested to aim for a balance of probation services, NGO staff, educational staff, employment staff, addiction specialists, and health specialists. Interviews were undertaken in partner country languages. Transcripts of each interview were made, and translated into English. Finally, partners were provided with a framework for analysing the interview transcripts, allowing them to draw out a comprehensive analysis of the current situation and needs of the correctional sector and the professionals working with convicted persons in Europe. In total, 146 interviews took place across seven countries across Europe (B18). A comparable number of interviews was conducted in each of the seven jurisdictions. In all, either 20 or 21 interviews were conducted, besides in Portugal where 23 interviews took place (B9:B16). All interviews took place between August and October, 2024. This dataset is produced from seven EU country's reports to the PROMOTE project consortium, which were in turn based on the interview transcripts and produced according to an analysis framework. A binary method of analysis was used, which recorded whether challenges and/ or solutions to issues in each job profile appeared in one or more country report or there was no mention of them. The dataset also provides demographic information of the interviewees, their occupation, experience and education.



Employee Training, Law Enforcement Including Prison



PROMOTE Project No. 101144006: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PEX-COVE – Centres of Vocational Excellence
