Over-dispersed Count data for number of journal articles published by university lecturers
The data set contain counts of the number of articles published by Covenant University Lecturers, in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. Being a sample of 126 lecturers; 99 from the College of Business and Social Sciences, and 27 from the College of Leadership of the number of articles published by the lecturers from 2013-2015. The response variable was the number of articles produced by the lecturer (NOP) which was obtained by counting. Predictors are Gender of lecturers (SEX), the male was coded 1, and female as 0, marital status (MS), married was coded as 1 and single as 0, the number of child(ren) of lecturer, (CHD), years of teaching/lecturing (EXP), cadre indicating whether senior or junior lecturer, Assistant lecturer, and lecturer II were categorized as Lower cadre, and coded as 0, while lecturer I up to professor were categorized as higher cadre, and coded as 1. Another predictor is the number of undergraduate course(s) taught within the period of observation (UGC), and number of postgraduate course(s) taught within the period of observation (UPC)..