The preliminary application of Age band 3 of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children - Second Edition (MABC-2)
To evaluate the validity and reliability of age band 3 of the MABC-2 in the motor function assessment of adolescents. In this study, the MABC-2 test, which was produced by the Pearson Company in the UK, was introduced by Suzhou Leishi Software Technology Co., Ltd., in 2015. In the process of localization, the original English version was independently translated into Chinese by two doctors who had obtained the qualifications to conduct the MABC-2 test. The differences between the two translations were compared, and the ambiguities were discussed repeatedly. After reaching a consensus, the first draft was formed. In addition to following the principles of conceptual, semantic, technical and scalar equivalences, the scale was also adjusted according to Chinese culture and expression habits to be faithful to the original text and conform to Chinese expression habits. After the first draft was formed, it was revised by experts specializing in child health care, and the revised draft was translated back into English by professional translators. After comparison with the original English version, the ambiguities were revised to form the second draft, and then the participants were evaluated by physicians who had obtained the qualifications to conduct the MABC-2 test. In the three-stage test of the MABC-2, there are 8 test items, including turning pegs, triangle with nuts and bolts, drawing trail, catching with one hand, throwing at wall target, two-board balance, walking toe-to-heel backward, and zig-zag hopping, and three sub-items including manual dexterity, aiming and catching, and balance ability. According to the standard score conversion table in the MABC-2 user manual, the original records of each test item were converted to standard scores from 1-19. Among them, turning pegs, drawing trail and zig-zag hopping received two scores: the dominant side and the non-dominant side. The scores for these three items were the mean of the standard scores of the dominant and non-dominant sides. The standard score for each subscale item was added to the factor score of the subscale, and the total factor score of each subscale was added to determine the total score for the sports coordination ability. The internal consistency was determined by Cronbach’s α coefficient. The reliability coefficient of the total table was 0.80, where values between 0.70 and 0.80 were acceptable, and values <0.7 were poor. Retest reliability: The ICC was used to conduct the retest reliability evaluation. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The content validity was analysed by the correlation between items and factors and the score of the total scale. An ICC<0.2 was poor, 0.2-0.4 was average, 0.4-0.6 was good, 0.6-0.8 was good, and >0.8 was excellent. In terms of structural validity, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for each item to investigate the scale's structural validity.