temporal discounting in HIV

Published: 29 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r2wffrdp27.1
Agustín Negrete,


Database that includes the results of the application of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA); Drug Abuse Questionnaire (CAD-20; Villalobos-Gallegos et al., 2015), CD4 biomarker and time discount task for money and health in a sample of people living with HIV. In the present research, we intend to evaluate the relationship between the biological markers of HIV and some behavioral measures related to the choice behavior. the objective of this study is to evaluate the differential effect of efavirenz or a history of methamphetamine use on the parameters of temporal discount for money and health, in a sample of people living with HIV. A total of 61 people living with HIV, from the city of Tijuana, Mexico, were evaluated, of whom 26 had a history of receiving treatment with Efavirenz, and 41 had a history of methamphetamine use. The database corresponds to the direct values ​​obtained from the applications of the instruments.


Steps to reproduce

Clinical history: A medical history survey was specifically designed for this investigation to determine factors related to contagion, type of contagion, and age of contagion, as well as general data of the patient, diseases, or conditions. Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): This is a brief screening test to assess cognitive function that explores 6 domains: memory, visuospatial capacity, executive function, attention/concentration/working memory, language, and orientation (Julayanont & Nasreddine, 2016). Drug Abuse Questionnaire (CAD-20; Villalobos-Gallegos et al., 2015). CD4 biomarker: CD4 biomarker measurements were performed by blood sampling and flow cytometry. The values reported correspond to the total CD4 cells per μL of blood. Viral Load: HIV viral load measures the amount of virus in plasma. 1) the most recent viral load of the patient and 2) the highest viral load in the patient's history reported by a health institution. Temporary discount task: Monetary Temporal Discounting Task. For this task, each participant was exposed to a choice screen in which two hypothetical reward options were presented, one immediate ($100 and $250 US dollars) and a delayed one of higher value ($200 and $400 US dollars). The highest hypothetical reward value was presented under six delay conditions: 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years and 8 years. In each participant's choice, the option with the immediate amount was adjusted according to the procedure for adjusting the magnitude of the immediate reward (AIA) described by Holt et al. (2012). Hypothetical health discounting task. To determine the temporal discount function on a hypothetical level of health, an adaptation of the procedure described by G. Chapman (1996), was carried out. In the same way, the program for the adjustment procedure of the immediate amount was used, based on a Java program described by Cruz et al. (2015). Each of the participants was presented with a selection screen where they had to choose between two treatment options: treatment A, which allowed them to obtain a [50%] improvement in health for [1 year] and could start now (immediate option), or treatment B, which allowed them to obtain 100% health improvement for [1 year] but would start in [1 year] (delayed option). Again, the delays for the higher value option took on different values, which could be 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, or 8 years. Likewise, the percentage of health improvement for the immediate option was adjusted according to preferences during each selection screen, to identify the indifference values between the percentages of health improvements. Two hypothetical levels of health were treated as rewards: one was for 1 year of improvement and the other for 2 years of improvement.


Universidad Autonoma de Baja California


Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, HIV/AIDS, Behavioral Economics, Economic Psychology


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

30953 A1-S-15323
