An experimental approach in analyzing the cell cycle dynamics of food-entrapping cells of sponges: Leucosolenia

Published: 6 February 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/r3ydrmryzg.2
Nikolay Melnikov, Andrey Lavrov


Data stored here support the conclusions presented in the publication "An experimental approach in analyzing the cell cycle dynamics of food-entrapping cells of sponges". Lecucosolenia corallorrhiza (class Calcarea) possesses several types of proliferating cells with food-entrapping cells - choanocytes - serving as the main proliferative population of cells. The less proliferative cell populations are represented by epithelial-like pinacocytes and porocytes. Using various experimental techniques, we revealed that choanoderm of L. corallorrhiza harbours large population of clowly cycling choanocytes. CLSM Z-stacks are stored in .ims format, represented by the original image as well as spots used to count nuclei/EdU-positive nuclei. Folder "EdU accumulation" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges treated with EdU for 2 h and 6 h ("Cell cycle dynamics" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei). Folder "Growth fraction" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges treated with 1 mkg/ml of aphidicolin for 4.5 days followed by 6 h of EdU incubation ("Estimating the growth fraction" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei). Folder "G2-M analysis (colocalization study)" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges after EdU treatment of different length ("G2/M-phase analysis" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei); anti-Ser10-phosphorylated histone 3 antibodies (channel 4; M-phase nuclei). Folder "Proliferating cell types" contains CLSM Z-stacks of sponges after CellTracker incubation and 6 hours of EdU treatment ("Identifying proliferating cell types" experiment). Tissues are stained with DAPI (channel 1; cell nuclei), anti-acetylated alpha-tubulin antibodies (channel 2; choanocyte flagella); Sulfo-Cy3 azide + EdU (channel 3; S-phase nuclei); CellTracker Deep Red (channel 4; cytoplasm). Folder "Flow cytometry data" contains raw .csv data obtained during flow cytometry analysis of DNA content in single-cell suspensions after ACME dissocitation of intact tissues. Suspensions are stained by Propidium Iodide (PE-A channel).



Zoology, Cell Biology, Cell Cycle, Confocal Microscopy, Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Flow Cytometry


Russian Science Foundation

