Data for : Disposable diapers composting enhanced by Spirulina platensis
The independent variables used in this study were the concentration of Spirulina platensis, the composition of the growing media, and the type of plant. The feedstock used in this study is 3 kg of disposable diaper waste from various brands containing urine and faeces. 7 kg Food waste consist of rice (1,4 kg), carrots (1,4 kg), papaya (1,4 kg), tofu (1,4 kg), and milk (1,4 kg). The bulking agent used is rice husk as much as 250 gr per reactor. The Spirulina platensis addition at an initial density of 60000 sinusoids/ml varies 0 ml, 5 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml. The equipment used designed to be ease and economically affordable so that applicable to the community. The types of equipment are as follows: the knife to chop food waste; the scissor to cut diaper waste; the stirrer made of wood to stir the trash; scales to measure the mass of equipment and materials; the soil tester to measure compost temperature and pH; personal protective equipment: masks, gloves are used as protection so as not to be exposed to pathogens when conducting experiments; four units of composting reactors, each of given a number and description. The phytotoxicity test carried out by direct planting methods for maize and cayenne pepper. The variation in the composition of the growing medium was 5 for each plant. The compost mature in 42 days and tested for phytotoxicity for 21 days. Laboratory test data for compost characteristics then displayed in tables and graphs. Spirulina platensis affection on composting analyzed by single-factor ANOVA. Likewise, the recording of growth and development of sprouts and roots presented in tables and graphs, and then the germination index calculated. Meanwhile, the effect of compost on plant development was tested by two way ANOVA. Microsoft Excel version 14.0.4734.1000 with data analysis features used for this purpose.