Soil Bacterial Approach to Assessing Afforestation in the Desertfied Northern China

Published: 4 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r4cnpr4kdn.1
Hongyu Cao


Here is the investigation of the soil bacteria associated with P. sylvestris to assess the greening efforts in the Mu Us Desert. We sampled soils in half-mature (MUh), nearly mature (MUn), and mature (MUm) plantations, as well as in bare sandy soil as a control (CK).High-throughput amplicon sequencing, PICRUSt platform, and RDA analysis were performed to identify soil bacterial community structure and function, and determine their correlation with soil properties. The data in file "percent otu taxon" shows the original data of OTUs. Soil bacterial community structure and diversity were described based on this data. "Soil properties" file shows the soil samples analysis results which was measured in laboratory experiments. Based on these two data, we detemined the relationship between soil bacteria and soil environment using RDA. "Soil bacterial funtion" file is the result of PICRUSt in all soil bacteria. Through these data, we want to identify the variations in soil bacterial community structure and function during the vegetation restoration, and to determine the major divers of soil bacterial processes after the tree planting.



Beijing Forestry University


Ecology, Dryland Soil
