Supplementary dataset for: Development of a fast and user-friendly cryopreservation protocol for sweet potato genetic resources
Published: 29 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r4pcc3g4gn.1
Hannes Wilms, Natalia Fanega Sleziak, Maarten Van der Auweraer, Martijn Brands, Matthijs Verleije, Dirk Hardeman, Edwige Andre, Bart PanisDescription
The data is the raw data that was obtained after a series of different cryopreservation experiments on Sweet Potato plants. After each cryopreservation the plants were scored on different aspects in their regeneration process ranging from dead to fully regenerated plantlets. The regenerated plants are plants that survived the cryopreservation protocol and grew back into rooted plants. These data were then used to optimize the experimental parameters that can be found in the file.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bioversity International
Cryopreservation, Sweet Potato