Data: Hydrodynamic observations at the inner swale of Shoal E during Hurricane Matthew, Cape Canaveral Shoals
Published: 19 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r4s2cxptdk.1
Juan Felipe Paniagua-Arroyave, , , Description
Velocity profiles and pressure measured at the inner swale of Shoal E, Cape Canaveral shoals, in part during Hurricane Matthew, to analyze hydrodynamics over cape-related shoals during extreme conditions. Mooring and data description can be found in the spreadsheet "PaniaguaArroyaveEtAl_CpCnv_Fall-2016_Data_Description.xlsx".
University of Florida, Universidad EAFIT, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, US Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center
Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Ocean Currents, Coastal Physical Oceanography, Shelf Process, Acoustic Instrumentation