Wood residues potential availability per municipality
Published: 8 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r55dwty7wk.1
Stella Carvalho de Paula, , , , , , Description
The planted eucalyptus yield was calculated based on the average productivity of each municipality multiplied by the area of planted eucalyptus in each municipality in 2018. For residues potential, it was assumed a rate of 0.167 t(residue)/m³(eucalyptus) over the potential annual production. Finally, it was considered that 50% of this total amount would be collected from field. It is important to notice that the data was spatialized accordingly to the municipalities boundaries, it does not imply that bigger municipalities have a greater availability. For further information see the platform SAFmaps.
Applied Sciences, Biomass Fuels, Biofuel, Aviation, Biomass, Biomass Feedstock