Reconstructed Sea Level Anomalies and modeled Sea Level Anomalies for US coasts Self-organizing map data affiliated with four upper atmospheric parameters over the US

Published: 16 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r59jdbwvmn.1
Scott Sheridan


This data set contains several components affiliated with a research article from JGR-Oceans: Observed Anom SL by region: contains the anomalous sea level values in m for the period 1979-2016 for the 12 regions defined in the article Narx Open Loop Anom SL: contains the projected sea level values for the same regions using the neural network NARX models in open loop Narx Closed Loop Anom SL: contains the projected sea level values for the same regions using the neural network NARX models in closed loop SOM membership: SOM node membership for each day for each of the 12 SOMs produced


Steps to reproduce

Methods are described in full detail in Sheridan et al. (2019), Temporal modeling of anomalous coastal sea-level values using synoptic climatological patterns, JGR-Oceans, in press.


Kent State University


Sea Level Change
