Supplementary data: Adaptation of the yeast gene knockout collection is near-perfectly predicted by fitness and diminishing return epistasis

Published: 25 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r5kz3kj6f2.1
Karl Persson, Simon Stenberg, Markus Tamas, Jonas Warringer


Supplementary data tables for “Adaptation of the yeast gene knockout collection is near-perfectly predicted by fitness and diminishing return epistasis” Scan-o-matic growth phenotype datasets of the haploid BY4741 single gene deletion collection (MATa; his3Δ1; leu2Δ0; met15Δ0; ura3Δ0; GeneX::kanMX) adaptation to arsenite stress. From each growth curve, the colony populations doubling times (hours) have been extracted as a proxy for fitness (Zackrisson et al., 2016). Data S1: reports dose-response growth data for gene deletion strains exposed to different degrees of arsenite stress. Data S2: reports growth data, before LOESS fitting, for the complete collection of BY4741 gene deletion strains during adaptive evolution in 3 mM of arsenite. Data S3: reports growth data, after LOESS fitting, for the complete collection of BY4741 gene deletion strains after 25, 50 and 75 generations of adaptive evolution in 3 mM of arsenite. Data S4: reports growth data, before LOESS fitting, of BY4741 gene deletion strains during adaptive evolution across a range of selection pressures. Data S5: reports growth data, after LOESS fitting, of BY4741 gene deletion strains after 25, 50 and 75 generations across a range of selection pressures. Data S6: reports growth data, of BY4741 gene deletion strains on background media before and after adaptation to a range of selection pressures. Data S7: reports growth data, of single and double mutation strains in Synthetic complete medium, and arsenite, 3 mM.



Goteborgs universitet Institutionen for kemi och molekylarbiologi


Evolutionary Biology, Adaptation, Yeast, Experimental Evolution
