IGC COVID-19 Bihar (1292)

Published: 6 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r5sjkv9yds.1
Zakir Husain,


This data set contains information on pre- and post- lockdown dietary practices of women aged 5-49 years and their youngest child; information on education, age, socio-religious identity, asset holdings, contacts with pradhan or ruling party, etc. is also available in the data set. The data was collected using surveys in January-March 2020 (face to face) and October-November 2020 (telephonic). The survey was conducted in 6 districts of Bihar. It was funded by The International Growth Center (Grants no. 18013 and IND_1292). The data is in Stata version 14 (IC) format. Suggested acknowledgment for use of data Zakir Husain, Saswata Ghosh and Mousumi Dutta (2020) Herself and her child: How worse are they? Impact of COVID-19 on rural Bihar. Study funded by The International Growth Center, Grant No. IND_1292.


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In case help is required, please contact Zakir Husain (Email: dzhusain@gmail.com)


Presidency University Kolkata


Social Sciences
