Identification of pre-infection markers and differential plasma protein expression following SARS-CoV-2 infection in people living with HIV
Published: 8 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r5sr3ryg83.1
Márton Kolossváry, Chris deFilippi, Sara McCallum, Kathleen V. Fitch, Marissa R. Diggs, Evelynne S. Fulda, Heather J. Ribaudo, Carl J. Fichtenbaum, Judith Aberg, Carlos Malvestutto, Judith S. Currier, jose casado, Félix Gutiérrez, Irini Sereti, Pamela S. Douglas, Markella Zanni, Steven GrinspoonDescription
Proteomic data for the article: "Identification of pre-infection markers and differential plasma protein expression following SARS-CoV-2 infection in people living with HIV". For each individuals, the first row represents baseline, while the second row represents follow-up measurements. Columns: - patid: Participant ID - casecon: Case (Ig confirmed COVID-19) or Control (Ig negative confirmed control) - COVID_MODERATE: Moderate or Severe COVID-19 based on DAIDS classification - ADA to VWF: Proteomic measurement values in NPX units.
Massachusetts General Hospital