A Model-Driven Approach for Software Process Line Engineering (Appendices)

Published: 20 December 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r62gjghx52.1
Halimeh Agh,


This document contains the appendices of a paper with the above title. The paper proposes a novel MDD approach specifically intended for SPrLE; this approach can be used by method engineers and project managers to first define a SPrL, and then construct custom-built processes by instantiating it. The approach uses a modeling framework for modeling a SPrL, and applies transformations to provide a high degree of automation when instantiating the SPrL. The proposed approach has been validated through an industrial case study and an experiment. The appendices contain information on some of the methods used in the proposed approach, examples, and the datasets and results of the case study and experiment.



Sharif University of Technology


Software Engineering, Software Process
