Photos of 8-node NIR markers on masonry bricks
This dataset includes set of photos taken for the publication: Bal I.E., Dais D., Smyrou E. and Sarhosis V. (2021) “Novel invisible markers for monitoring cracked masonry structures”, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, paper in review. The purpose of the dataset is to provide a benchmark test setup and image data for DIC (digital image correlation) applications where position of markers can be automatically detected with proper post processing. More information can be found in the ReadMe.pdf.
Steps to reproduce
The photographs taken include masonry brick units and near-infrared (NIR) reflective markers. The study where the dataset is used for presents a proof of concept for monitoring masonry structures using two different types of markers which are not easily noticeable by human eye, but exhibit high reflection when subjected to NIR (near-infrared) wavelength of light. • The photos are taken with an 18/55 lens, fixed to 55mm focal length. • Auto-focus is used in the camera settings. • Tape marker photos are taken with F18 aperture and ISO400. • Paint marker photos are taken with F10 aperture and ISO1000. • Both groups of photos were taken with 125 shutter speed (the camera stays open 1/125th of a second). The DIC code, written in Matlab, is also provided openly. The code for processing the tape markers and the paint markers can be found at: More information can be found in the ReadMe.pdf.