Sequence Variant Data of the Oomycete Pythium insidiosum Strain Pi45
Published: 5 September 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r75799jy6c.1
Weerayuth Kittichotirat, Preecha Patumchareonpol, Thidarat Rujirawat, Tassanee Lohnoo, Wanta Yingyong, Theerapong KrajaejunDescription
A total of 865,332 variants (i.e., SNPs and indels) are identified by mapping 33,692,522 IlluminaHiSeq2500-derived sequence reads of the genome of the Pythium insidiosum strain Pi45 into the reference genome of the Pythium insidiosum strain Pi-S (consists of 53,239,050 bases in 1,192 contigs; accession numbers: BBXB01000001-BBXB01001192).
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, Genome Variation