Emerging Adult Dataset

Published: 20 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r7d9t4zyfy.1
Akhila Chakshu Narayan


This data has been collected from emerging adults in India. An informed consent was obtained from the participants before data collection. Demographic measures include birth year, gender, educational qualification, accommodation type, relationship status, availability of social support, experience of discrimination, and perceived social support. The family's total monthly income was also obtained to determine the socioeconomic status, educational qualification, and occupation of the head of the family. The dimensions of Identity Exploration (IE), Experimentation/Possibilities (EP), Negativity/Instability (NI), Self-focus (SF), Other-focus (OF), and feeling in-between (IB) correspond to the scores on the Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (Row N-AR). Scores on Migration Satisfaction at the destination (Row AS-AX) and a Comparison of satisfaction between the origin and destination of migration (Row AY-BJ) are also presented. Participants' scores on Self-confidence (SC), Self-Acceptance (SA), Assertiveness/Authenticity (AA), and Fulfilled Experience (FE) correspond to the dimensions of Positive Self-Relation (Row BK-BY). Scores on Resilience (Row BZ-CE) and Purpose in Life (Row CF-CI) were also obtained. The data can be used to assess emerging adults' dimensions of emerging adulthood, sense of self, migration satisfaction, resilience, and purpose in life. In the study, dimensions of emerging adulthood and positive sense of self influenced resilience and purpose in life.


Steps to reproduce

The administration of the Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood, Migration Satisfaction Questionnaire, Positive Self-Relation Scale, Brief Resilience Scale, and Purpose in Life in Emerging Adulthood can reproduce the data.


Christ University


Young Adult, Identity, Positive Psychology, Regional Migration
