Gravity Modelling by Using N-Sided Polyhedrons

Published: 3 April 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/r88fb642fp.1
Nedim Gokhan Aydın


This repository contains scripts and artificial gravity datasets used and explained in paper "Gravity Modelling of Sedimentary Basins by Using N-Sided Vertical Polyhedrons" by Nedim Gökhan AYDIN and Turgay İŞSEVEN. The scripts and the data are explained below. -intlog5a.m is the MATLAB adaptation of the FORTRAN scripts given by Smith (2000). -gprism.m calculates the gravity contribution of a polyhedron in space. -VoronoiIterations.m applies modelling process for given gravity anomalies, data points and parameters. -The two artificial gravity data (faulty_grav.mat and basin_grav.mat) are 500x500 matrixes for two different underground structures. *The scripts require VoronoiLimit.m function from MATLAB File Exchange to compute Voronoi diagrams for limited area (Sievers, 2023).


Steps to reproduce

This pack contains scripts for the iterative modelling approach of gravity anomalies explained in "Gravity Modelling of Sedimentary Basins by Using N-Sided Vertical Polyhedrons" paper. Reproduction steps are given below. - All the scripts and gravity data to be studied should be in the same directory. - To start the iterative process, open "VoronoiIterations.m" for editing. - Under "parameters" header you can define upper and lower depth boundaries for polyhedrons (Ubound, Lbound), density (drho), iterations number (ITNO) and convergence coefficient (INCON). - Under "load data" header you can set the limits for the datasets and select the input data file. Data should be assigned to the parameter "input". - Under "load data" header you can also load the data points in surface and assign it to "input_pts" parameter. - The default values of each parameter are given in the script. Data points are generated randomly in default size. - After definitions are complete, Run the script. - The status of the modelling process will be prompted on Command Window and the results will be shown in a figure [input data and data points, calculated anomalies; depth model, difference between input and calculated]. Some important variables that could be of use after calculations are done: - zz: calculated depth model in matrix form. - RMS: contains the RMS misfit achieved after each iteration. - polies: contains polyhedron coordinates and individual gravity anomalies of each. - Zlist: upper boundaries of the polyhedrons after each iteration.


Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Jeofizik Muhendisligi Bolumu


Algorithms, Gravity Anomaly, Polyhedron


Istanbul Technical University

