Returning Adult MSAFLP Information
Research article: Epigenetic response of Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla) related to shale gas development Journal: Ibis Citation: M. W. Frantz, P. B. Wood, S. Latta, and A. Welsh. 2019. Epigenetic response of Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla) related to shale gas development. Ibis In Review. Contact information: Mack W. Frantz;; West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Davis College, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6125, Morgantown, WV, USA Analysis description: We evaluated the degree to which an individual’s methylated state was subject to change across years using recaptures (n=9). Three adult male and five adult female recaptures were evaluated for temporal trends in methylation, as well as one nestling recaptured as an adult female. Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr) data from Latta et al. (2015). See research article for additional information regarding methdology, terms, and data significance. Data description: Columns A is an unique identifier for individuals using part of the individual's band number. Column B indicates the year the individual was banded or returned. Column C indicates the age of the bird when caught. An After Second Year (ASY) aged bird was assumed to be a minimum of three years old, which is why individuals may start out at three years old unless banded or caught as a Hatch Year (HY; Age=1) or Second Year (SY; age=2). Column D indicates the sex of the bird. M=male; F=female; U=Unknown. Hatch Year (age=1) individuals cannot be sexed and thus have U sex status until they return as a breeding adult. Columns E and F indicate presence (1) or absence (0) of TerrGas and TerrRunoff. NA = the data is not available. Columns G and H have heavy metal values used in analysis. Column I is another unique identifer used to identify an individual. Columns J-DE are restriction sites with presence (1) or absence (0) of methylation indicated. Research article relationship: Data referenced in Table 3. References: Latta, S.C., Marshall, L.C., Frantz, M.W., & Toms, J. 2015. Evidence from two shale regions that a riparian songbird accumulates metals associated with hydraulic fracturing. Ecosphere 6: 144.