Antao and Karnik
This dataset has been used for the empirical exercises reported in the Antao, S. and Karnik, A. (2020) NON-INTEREST INCOME AND BANKS PROFITABILITY: EVIDENCE FROM COUNTRIES IN THE ASIA/PACIFIC REGION (unpublished). The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact that non-interest income on the profitability of banks in the Asia-Pacific region. This has been an important area of research as banks have diversified their income earning options to noninterest sources. The evidence on the impact of noninterest income on bank profitability has been mixed and it is also not clear how the recession of 2018 affected this aspect of bank operations. We examine this using a panel dataset of over 1000 banks spread over 18 countries and 19 years from 2000 to 2018. We employ the two-step GMM estimation method which is particularly appropriate for our panel data. The equations we estimate are for all 18 countries taken together as well as subgroups of countries. Our results show that, by and large, noninterest incomes adversely affect bank profitability. However, it bears pointing out that there is a lot of variation in our results across subgroups of countries. The data was collected from: S&P Capital IQ. [online] Available at: