Bidisperse beds sheared by viscous fuids: Grain segregation and bed hardening
These files contain both raw and converted movies of the experiments for short (20 to 40 min)- and long-time (140 hrs) evolution of a bidisperse bed sheared by a viscous liquid, in order to analyze segregation rates, their evolution along time, their variation with the applied shearing, and the time evolution of creeping and bedload. In Addition, we uploaded Matlab script for processing images by applying the method presented by Houssais et al., Nat. Commun., 2015. which allows the detection of the grains in each image. Moreover, the scripts use the Kalman filter in order to assign a unique number to each grain that was previously detected in each image. With that, we acquired information such as instantaneous position, size of particles, and identification of each particle in each frame in .txt files
Steps to reproduce
These files provide an example of processing images, computing, and reproducing the figures that are shown in the article “Bidisperse beds sheared by viscous fluid: Grain segregation and bed hardening”. i) Folder 01_Raw_movies contains the videos that record both the first 20 or 40 min and the next 139.3 hours of each experiment ii) Folder 02_Segregation_Hardening_Scripts contains the Matlab codes for both processing images and reproducing the figures. Iii) Folder 03_converted_movies contains the edited videos to illustrate both the segregation and strain within the beadload and creeping regions, respectively, and their results. 1.- In order to process the images and obtain information such as identification number, instantaneous positions, size, and instantaneous velocity for each grain and save in the files .txt. • First, convert the videos from folder 01_Raw movies/6rpm (in this example) in a sequence of images, and save them in the folder Frames into folder /02_Segregation_Hardenin_Scripts. Then, into folder 02_Segregation_Hardenin_Scripts, to open the folder /preprocessing_processing_6rpm/Vel_preprocessing_processing and run the file II_Main_detection_n_tracking.m since the function Detectar_circulo.m to SmoothTracking.m. Repeat this step opening the folder /Seg_pre..., /Pkfr_pre..., and /Hard_pre... • To execute processing images for the other cases, copy and paste the folder /Functions in the path of each experiment. 2.- To process results and plot the figures only the case 6rpm, run the other files .m into the folder /Vel_pre…, /Seg_pre..., /Pkfr_pre..., and /Hard_pre… 3.- To generate figures that are shown in the article, open the folder /post_processing_xxxxxx, and run the files .m !!For more information, please contact the authors via !!
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Grant Nos. 2016/18189-0, 2018/14981-7
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant No. 405512/2022-8