Higher education’s innovation promotion and the antecedents: Dataset of universities in Indonesia

Published: 17 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rb76x45s24.1
Eriana Astuty


Data collection used a purposive sampling technique at 11 higher education (HE) in Indonesia that had science techno parks (STP) and 17 HE that did not yet have STP. In this case, several campuses with STP in Indonesia are included in the flagship campuses with many innovation achievements. Researchers also observed HE that did not yet have STP to get accurate results. The total number of respondents who participated was 300 faculty members from 28 HEs. Data was collected through surveys from June to September 2022 using an online questionnaire created using Google Forms. The questionnaire was disseminated by sending URL links through several official university platforms such as institution email, the institution's Microsoft 365 SharePoint, Microsoft Teams groups, Telegram messenger groups, and WhatsApp groups. All group members are faculty members as the unit of analysis. Questionnaires in English and Indonesian that measure four variables, namely entrepreneurial university, SDG-oriented higher education, sustainable entrepreneurial culture, and innovation promotion, are presented in the Mendeley repository.



Bina Nusantara University


Social Sciences, Higher Education, Innovation for Sustainability, Education for Sustainability


Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi

No 410/LL3/AK.04/2022
