Supplementary Table 1: Details of database used for the analysis of tidal inlet and spit morphodynamics (1885-2020)
Published: 12 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rcpj389hbs.1
Celso SantosDescription
Details (Map/Topohseet/Satellite sensor, Scene/Map/Toposheet ID, Acquired/Mapped date, and Spatial resolution/Scale) of the database used for the analysis of tidal inlet and spit morphodynamics (1885-2020) as a supplementary table for the following publication: Mishra, M.; Acharyya, T.; Chand, P.; Santos, C.A.G.; Silva, R. M.; Santos, C.A.C.; Pradhan, S.; Kar, D. Response of long- to short-term tidal inlet morphodynamics on the ecological ramification of Chilika lake, the tropical Ramsar wetland in India. Science of the Total Environment, p. 150769, 2021.
Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Xavier Institute of Management, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Central University of Punjab, Berhampur University
Coastal Erosion