Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Kentucky following the Tobacco Transition Payment Program: Dataset of individual, family, business, and community characteristics; 2013-2014.
The data were collected during 2013-2014, the last years of the Tobacco Transition Payment Program. The survey included a series of questions about history of innovation, business creation, current state of business activities, business risk taking, entrepreneurial intentions, and community, sociodemographic, family, and personality characteristics (total 229 questions). The survey was mailed to 12,000 household addresses in the state of Kentucky, covering 79 of Kentucky’s 120 counties—56 rural farming counties, 12 mining counties, and 11 urban counties, classified according to the US Department of Agriculture’s Rural-Urban Continuum Codes. For each occupation category of interest (self-employed, farming, neither self-employed nor farming) a random address list for the sample area was generated to be representative of the distribution of occupation by county. Completed surveys were returned by 1481 residents, a response rate of 12.3%; 661 of them reported to have experience with new venture creation. The respondents were highly diverse in terms of age, education, income, and personal and professional experience. A subset of respondents (N = 138) were farmers who participated in the Tobacco Transition Payment Program. The diversity of the respondents and breadth of survey questions allows examining complex relationships between individual, family, business, and community level factors affecting entrepreneurial intentions, actions, and success in rural and urban settings.