data of Knowledge related to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and perceptions on inpatient management among nurses at selected referral hospitals in Rwanda.
The level of knowledge related to CKD and perceived inpatient management was moderate among nurses. Eighty four percent (84%) had moderate level of knowledge related to CKD and 51% of nurses had moderate level of perceptions regarding of inpatient management of CKD. The factors associated with knowledge were institution type (p=.024), department (p=.000), level of education (p=.010) and type of specialty (p=.000). The factor associated perceived inpatient management of CKD was department type (p=.015). A very weak non-significant positive relationship (r = .115, N = 120, p = .21) between knowledge and practice was observed. Before analyzing the data, the data was cleaned, grouped and classified according to demographic characteristic, knowledge and perceptions. These quantitative data were analyzed descriptively using tables, and percentages, and inferential statistics (chi-square) with the help of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) window version 21. Descriptive statistics used to describe the demographic variables, the level of nurse’s knowledge and perceptions regarding inpatient CKD management. Inferential statistics (chi-square test) used to establish association between demographic characteristics and nurse’s knowledge and perceptions regarding inpatient CKD management. Pearson correlation coefficient ® was calculated to identify the direction and the strength of the relationship between nurse’s knowledge and perceptions regarding inpatient CKD management and The Pearson correlation determine the strength and direction of a relationship between two quantitative/numerical variables. It ranges from negative (-1) to positive (+1) coefficient values. A negative correlation indicates that high values on one variable are associated with low values on the next. A positive correlation indicates that high values on the one variable are associated with high values of the next .
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The data collection was done using an adopted tool developed by Associate professor Siméon Pierre Choukem, MD (Yaoundé), Researcher used academic data bases to find the article with the tool adopted and researcher wrote a request letter to professor Siméon and permission to use and modify the questionnaire was granted. The tool adopted was used in the study entitled “Knowledge of physicians on chronic kidney disease and their attitudes towards referral, in two cities of Cameroon: a cross-sectional study “knowledge questions were from Professor Siméon instrument, other knowledge and perceptions questions were from in-depth literature. The tool was composed of 3 sections, Section A was made of demographic data questions and was from question 1 to 5 and was composed of Hospital of practice, Work service, Age, Gender, years of experience, level of training and type of specialty. Section B was made of Knowledge questions from question 6 to 15 and was about definition of CKD, risk factors of CKD, marker of kidney function, classification of CKD, complications of CKD, forms of renal replacement therapy(RRT), medication administration in CKD patients, management of nutrition in CKD patients, fluid management in CKD patients and hemodialysis in CKD patients and section C was made of perceptions questions, from questions 16 to 22 and was about practice questions about management with medications, fluid, nutrition, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Knowledge questions was given and participants responded true or false depending on how participant knew about this knowledge and perceptions questions was formulated in the way, a scenario has been given and participants and its management and participants response was agreeing or disagree with this management. The minimum possible total score of knowledge was zero (0) and the maximum possible score, signifying level of knowledge of inpatient management of CKD among nurses was twenty-four (24). Dividing the attained score on this section by the maximum possible attainable score (24) and multiplying by a hundred to come up with a percentage calculated level of knowledge of 80% to 100% was classified as high, 79% to 50% was classified as moderate and level of below 50% was considered as low. The minimum possible total score of perceptions was zero (0) and the maximum possible score, signifying level of practice of inpatient management of CKD among nurses was seven (7). Dividing the attained score on this section by the maximum possible attainable score (7) and multiplying by a hundred to come up with a percentage calculated level of perceptions of 80% to 100% was classified as high, 79% to 50% was classified as moderate and level of below 50% was considered as low level of perceptions. The investigator developed the scale because no scale was found in literature. Data was filtered and analyzed using SPSS 21 Version.