Code implementation for modeling parallel robots (PKM) with complex loops, and a Delta robot example
Published: 16 November 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/rcyzk45ktr.2
Andreas MuellerDescription
This is the Mathematica code implementation of the formulation of dynamics motion equations (EOM) for parallel kinematics robots (PKM) presented in the paper A. Mueller: "Dynamics of Parallel Manipulators with Hybrid Complex Limbs - Modular Modeling and Parallel Computing", Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, This dataset includes: * Lie group implementation of the kinematic and dynamics EOM * Example of a 3 DOF Delta robot * C code export and implementation in Matlab
Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz
Robotics, Parallel Algorithm, Kinematics, Nonlinear Control System, Dynamics of Mechanism, Parallel Manipulator, Lie Group, Euclidean Space