Risk of Exercise Addiction and Passion in Three Exercise forms After Controlling for Exercise Volume and Intensity

Published: 1 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rczv8w3zm2.1
Attila Szabo


This is an online study of 424 exercisers who trained in aerobic, anaerobic or mixed (both, represented by CrossFit practitioners) forms of exercise. The study aimed to uncover whether after controlling for exercise volume and intensity there are differences between these three groups in passion and the risk of exercise addiction.


Steps to reproduce

Recruit CrossFit and other exercisers. Classify the later based on their primary form of training as aerobic or anaerobic exercisers. After having three groups, compare them with the Passion Scale (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.newideapsych.2019.06.001) and the EAI-3 (DOI: 10.1007/s11469-023-01066-2) while controlling for their exercise volume (defined as frequency x duration) and intensity retrospectively assessed with the Borg Scale (Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1982;14(5):377-381). Make sure you check for possible gender differences before the main analysis, which should be a MANCOVA, dependent variables being exercise addiction and passion and covariates being exercise volume and intensity. Then, you can compare the groups on each of the 8 items of the EAI-3, to see which symptoms differentiate the groups (this test is interesting only of you got statistically significant group differences in the previous MANCOVA).


Szechenyi Istvan Egyetem


Addiction, Muscle Exercise, Fitness, Training, Aerobic Exercise
