Data for "Best Practices for Your Exploratory Factor Analysis: a Factor Tutorial" published by RAC-Revista de Administração Contemporânea
This repository contains material related to the analysis performed in the article "Best Practices for Your Exploratory Factor Analysis: a Factor Tutorial". The material includes the data used in the analyses in .dat format, the labels (.txt) of the variables used in the Factor software, the outputs (.txt) evaluated in the article, and videos (.mp4 with English subtitles) recorded for the purpose of explaining the article. The videos can also be accessed in the following playlist: Below is a summary of the article: "Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is one of the statistical methods most widely used in Administration, however, its current practice coexists with rules of thumb and heuristics given half a century ago. The purpose of this article is to present the best practices and recent recommendations for a typical EFA in Administration through a practical solution accessible to researchers. In this sense, in addition to discussing current practices versus recommended practices, a tutorial with real data on Factor is illustrated, a software that is still little known in the Administration area, but freeware, easy to use (point and click) and powerful. The step-by-step illustrated in the article, in addition to the discussions raised and an additional example, is also available in the format of tutorial videos. Through the proposed didactic methodology (article-tutorial + video-tutorial), we encourage researchers/methodologists who have mastered a particular technique to do the same. Specifically, about EFA, we hope that the presentation of the Factor software, as a first solution, can transcend the current outdated rules of thumb and heuristics, by making best practices accessible to Administration researchers".
Steps to reproduce
This repository is composed of four types of files: 1) three video files in .mp4 format (with English subtitles), which discuss the article and the extra example mentioned in it; 2) two databases in .dat format: i) 1047 observations with 24 variables of the WHOQOL instrument discussed in the article; and ii) 918 observations with 10 variables of the FWB scale (extra example); 3) two labels files (.txt format) to be incorporated into the Factor software; and 4) five output files in .txt format. The steps are: 1st: Read the article “Best Practices for Your Exploratory Factor Analysis: a Factor Tutorial”. DOI: 10.1590/1982-7849rac2022210085.en; OR 1st: Watch the videos: i) 1_Video_BestPractices.mp4 (; and ii) 2_Video_MultidimensionalExample.mp4 (; 2nd: Insert the database WHOQOL_Data.dat into the Factor software and, optionally, the label file WHOQOL_Labels.txt, as explained in section 4.2 of the article or in the section that begins at the timestamp 6:35 of the video 2_Video_MultidimensionalExample.mp4 (; 3rd: Configure the analyses as explained in section 4.3 of the article or in the section that begins at the timestamp 10:45 of the video 2_Video_MultidimensionalExample.mp4 (; 4th: Interpret the first output file (1_Output_WHOQOL_4Factors.txt) as explained in section 4.4 of the article or in the section that begins at the timestamp 20:45 of the video 2_Video_MultidimensionalExample.mp4 (; 5th: Interpret the second output file (2_Output_WHOQOL_2Factors.txt) as explained in the section that starts at the timestamp 49:53 of the video 2_Video_MultidimensionalExample.mp4 (; 6th: Interpret the third output file (3_Output_WHOQOL_2Factors_Ajusted.txt) as explained in the section that starts at the timestamp 1:05:45 of the video 2_Video_MultidimensionalExample.mp4 (; and 7th: Interpret the fourth output file (4_Output_WHOQOL_2Factors_Bifactor.txt) as explained in the section that starts at the timestamp 1:13:14 of the video 2_Video_MultidimensionalExample.mp4 (; OR, optionally, to replicate the extra example mentioned in the article: 8th: Insert the database FWB_Data.dat into the Factor software and, optionally, the label file FWB_Labels.txt, as explained in the section that starts at the timestamp 4:50 of the video 3_Video_UnidimensionalExample.mp4 (; 9th: Configure the analyses as explained in the section that starts at the timestamp 8:32 of the video 3_Video_UnidimensionalExample.mp4 (; and 10th: Interpret the output file FWB_Output.txt as explained in the section that begins at the timestamp 22:58 of the video 3_Video_UnidimensionalExample.mp4 (