Series of article: "Finans Piyasasında Dönüşümün Kavgaları: Dijital Bankacılık Geleneksel Bankacılığa Karşı" "Transformation Fights in the Financial Markets: Digital Banking vs Traditional Banking" The institutions that provide our data set are the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency of Turkey (BDDK) and the Banks Association of Turkey (TBB). BRSA data: Monthly Banking Sector Data - Other Information TBB data: TBB/Bank and Sector Information/Statistics and Data Inquiry Statistics/Reports/Alternative Distribution Channels/Digital, Internet and Mobile Banking Statistics The data accessed from the TBB data set is 3 monthly data. Taken as digital banking statistics. The data set of the study consists of the number of registered digital banking users(DBK), the number of active digital banking users(DBA), and the average number of branches(OSB) for 59 quarters, including the third quarter of 2020. The DBK and DBA series were used in the study. They were compiled from the DT22 coded report to reflect the total of individual and corporate customers. The data obtained from the BRSA monthly bulletin were converted to quarterly data in accordance with the TBB data set.
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The data obtained from the BRSA monthly bulletin were converted to quarterly data in accordance with the TBB data set. Further info is given in the article.