anQCD: Fortran programs for couplings at complex momenta in various analytic QCD models
Abstract We provide three Fortran programs which evaluate the QCD analytic (holomorphic) couplings _(Aν)(^(Q2)) for complex or real squared momenta ^(Q2). These couplings are holomorphic analogs of the powers a(^(Q2))ν of the underlying perturbative QCD (pQCD) coupling a(^(Q2))≡_(αs)(^(Q2))/π, in three analytic QCD models (anQCD): Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory (FAPT), Two-delta analytic QCD (2δanQCD), and Massive Perturbation Theory (MPT). The index ν can be noninteger. The pro... Title of program: AanQCDext Catalogue Id: AEYK_v1_0 Nature of problem Calculation of values of the running analytic couplings A ν (Q 2 ;N f ) for general complex squared momenta Q 2 === -q 2 , in three analytic QCD models, where A ν (Q 2 ;N f ) is the analytic (holomorphic) analog of the power (α s (Q 2 ;N f )/π) ν . Here, A ν (Q 2 ;N f ) is a holomorphic function in the Q 2 complex plane, with the exception of the negative semiaxis (-∞,-M 2 thr ), reflecting the analiticity properties of the spacelike renormalization invariant quantities D(Q 2 ) in QCD. In contra ... Versions of this program held in the CPC repository in Mendeley Data AEYK_v1_0; AanQCDext; 10.1016/j.cpc.2015.10.004 This program has been imported from the CPC Program Library held at Queen's University Belfast (1969-2018)