Collective decision-making in Medicine

Published: 23 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rgby7mc7jk.1
Sophiya Rumovskaya


Results of analysis of the subject area of Medicine diagnostics and solutions provided for Cognitive hybrid intelligent diagnostic system. Figures: - Concepts and links of the diagnostic process in medicine - Specificities of council convention - Diagnostics and treatment process of the pancreatic cancer - Reduction of a diagnostic problem - Visual metalanguage of the axiomatic theory of role-based visual diagnostic models - Categorical kernel «resource–property–action–relation» of the visual metalanguage - Role-visual and subject-figurative models of the diagnostic problem - Subject-figurative model of a CHIDSs element - Construction of a subject-figurative model of an integrated method - Subject-figurative model of the Cognitive hybrid intelligent diagnostic system - Typical architecture of Cognitive hybrid intelligent diagnostic systems Notations: USI – ultrasound investigation; MCT – multidetector computed tomography; MDCTA – multidetector computed angiography; EUS - endoscopic ultrasound; TNB - thin needle biopsy; ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; FGDD - Fibrogastroduodenoscopy; MRCP - magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; LUS – laparoscopic ultrasound; IVUS - intravascular ultrasound; TP – treating physician (gastroenterologist or surgeon); G/S – gastroenterologist or surgeon; ONT – oncologist of non-surgical treatment; R – radiologist; eUS – expert in USI; LDD – laboratory diagnostics doctor (interprets data of laboratory tests); P – pathologist; E – endoscopist; DM – decision maker



Health Sciences, Visualization, Artificial Intelligence Diagnostics
