Desenvolvimento de competências de comunicação através da gamificação e da aprendizagem baseada em jogos
Currently, the young people of Generation Z present new ways of relating and new interests. On the other hand, organizations and even politicians pay a lot of attention to the use of digital technologies in education to satisfy the future demand for a skilled and qualified workforce. This research aims to contribute to the development of communication skills. We describe the communicational means used nowadays by Generation Z, and we also intend to understand how games can be used in the process of developing communication skills. This investigation was implemented in two parts. The first part, theoretical foundation, was carried out in the critical review of the literature, in which publications about Generation Z and the new skills for their insertion in the job market, the communication channels that are used today and related topics. Next, we analysed publications on the different theories of learning and teaching methodologies, and we focus on active methodologies, more specifically on gamification and GBL. Therefore, in order to understand games in detail as teaching tools, it was essential to clearly understand gamification, and for that, we carried out an approach to everything that involves it and about game-based learning. We proceeded to the survey of publications that would provide us with a comprehensive understanding of the gamification process and GBL, together with the analysis of cases in which they were successfully applied. The second part consisted of the empirical study, with the aim of answering the initial question: “How to develop communication skills using gamification and GBL among young people from Generation Z?” The aim is to help prepare young people, using games and simulations, for a rapidly and constantly changing job market, as a result of digital transformation, and where communication skills can make a difference. The results indicated that the contributions of the gamified activities were positive and had a favourable impact on the learning and development of communication skills in the participating students.