Solid Fuel Entrained Flow Gasification Database

Published: 2 May 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/rhvfd6cdmx.3


The presented Solid Fuel Entrained Flow Gasification Database contains complete datasets on individual solid fuels considering the most important physical properties and conversion behavior analysis necessary for the simulation of pressurized high temperature entrained flow gasification. This includes their composition (proximate- and ultimate analysis, XRF of ash at 200, 450, 815 and 1500 °C) as well as physical properties such as original mineral phase composition (XRD), density (true and tap) and particle size distribution. The database also contains data on fuel behavior such as heating values, swelling factors, fragmentation index, slag viscosity, ash melting behavior and ash mineral phase evolution during heat-up and cool-down. Moreover, the database provides model parameters describing their pyrolysis behavior, gasification kinetics including product gas inhibition, thermal deactivation and surface area development. Chars produced and gasified in pressurized high temperature entrained flow reactors like the PiTER (located at the Chair of Energy Systems of the Technical University of Munich) and the KIVAN (operated by the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg) were analyzed in thermogravimetric and structural analyzer. Since these reactors are designed for temperatures up to 1800 °C (PiTER) and pressures up to 100 bar (KIVAN), the resulting model parameters are relevant for the simulation of industrial scale applications. In order to validate the applied models for entrained flow gasification kinetics, the database refers to several publications describing the models and experimental setups as well as providing additional experimental data points.



Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg, Technische Universitat Munchen


Surface Area, Biomass, Gasification, Kinetics, Energy Conversion, Lignite, Bituminous Coal, Entrained Bed Gasification, Model Validation
