GIS dataset of Italian railway development, 1839-1913 (by Carlo Ciccarelli and Peter Groote)
The development of railways in Italy (1839-1913). The geodatabase has been built by Carlo Ciccarelli (University of Rome Tor Vergata) and Peter Groote (University of Groningen). GIS dataset available from ArcGIS online; please click the link. Different formats available for download. Use the legend key to see when railway lines were constructed, or to differentiate between standard gauge and narrow gauge or between primary and secondary railways. For more information, see our articles on the construction of the geodatabase: Carlo Ciccarelli & Peter Groote (2017), Railway Endowment in Italy’s Provinces, 1839-1913, Rivista di Storia Economica (ISSN 0393-3415), Fascicolo 1, april 2017; ( Carlo Ciccarelli & Peter Groote (2017), The spread of railroads in Italian provinces: a GIS approach, Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science The layers 'lines conecting capitals' and 'junctions' are of no use in the map viewer of ArcGIS online. We advise to keep these switched off. They are added because they are necessary for the use of the network analyst in ArcGIS desktop. Consequently, they are also included in the downloadable versions of the geodatabase. If you are interested in using the underlying geodatabase in ArcGIS desktop 10.X, then download the map package that is available here, the file geodatabase here, or the shapefile (lacks topological characteristics!) here. If you find the data of use, please let us know at and If you use the data in an article, please quote our articles in Rivista di Storia Economica and Rivista di Scienze Regionali.