Data for: Modeling the relationship of aeration, oxygen transfer and treatment performance in aerated horizontal flow wetlands
Published: 6 April 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rk2285zm25.1
Johannes Boog, Thomas Kalbacher, Jaime Nivala, Nicolas Forquet, Manfred van Afferden, Roland Müller, Katy Bernhard, Grit Weichert, Thomas Aubron, Karsten Marien, Jürgen SteffenDescription
The file contain all model input files and processed measurement data to generate the results of the publication. Each zip file contains a readme file that further explains the individual data files.
Process Simulation, Ecotechnological Wastewater Treatment, Reactive Transport Modeling, Constructed Wetland, Reactive Solute Transport, Wastewater Modeling Technique