Problem Instances for Vehicle Routing Problem with Server Drop-offs/Retrievals (VRPSDR)

Published: 3 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rk2xf4jmhm.1
KEYJU LEE, Junjae Chae


Problem Instances for Vehicle Routing Problem with Server Drop-offs/Retrievals (VRPSDR) Data Abstract: The problem instances include: - Q: vehicle capacity for demand (volume) - N: number of drop-off or retrieval nodes - K: number of vehicles - coordX: x coordinates for nodes (first and last values are for departure/return depots) - coordY: y coordinates for nodes (first and last values are for departure/return depots) - q: volume (demand) at each node (first and last values are for departure/return depots) - s: service time required at each node (first and last values are for departure/return depots) - d: number of servers required at each node (first and last values are for departure/return depots) - w: number of on-board servers for each vehicle - Dist (for case study problem instances only): (2n+1)x(2n+1) distance matrix, index 0 referring to the departure/return depot node - Time (for case study problem instances only): (2n+1)x(2n+1) time matrix, index 0 referring to the departure/return depot node The solutions for the problem instances include: - jobEnd: total job completion time [job completion] - for each vehicle - travel: total travel time [travel time] - for each vehicle - volume: total delivery volume (demand) [delivery volume (demand)] - for each vehicle - visits: [node visit sequence] - for each vehicle - arrive: [time of arrival at each node] - for each vehicle - wait: [time waited at each node] - for each vehicle - depart: [time of departure at each node] - for each vehicle - server: [number of servers on-board after drop-off/retrieval at each node] - for each vehicle



Korea Aerospace University


Vehicle Routing Problem
