Digitized Marine Vessel Locations

Published: 25 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rkhjmrdfx8.1
Fernando Noriega


The provided point shapefile comprehensively represents marine vessel locations within the pristine coastal waters of Bahia de Banderas, Mexico. The dataset encompasses spatial records ranging from 2017 to 2023, capturing the positions of diverse vessels navigating the waters of this bay. This dataset's temporal range, spanning from 2017 to 2023, enables the analysis of vessel activities, unveiling trends and patterns over several years. Each point in the shapefile represents a precise geospatial location where a marine vessel was recorded within the specified time frame. Attributes associated with these points include: FID==unique feature identifier, Shape=verbal description of feature class, Month=month of observation (11=November, 12=December, 1=January, 2=February, 3=March, 4=April) Year=year of observation, Season=the winter season grouped for analysis (note that months 11&12 will be grouped with the following year's months 1,2,3 & 4 representing one winter season), DIST_TO_DEP=vessel's distance to the nearest departure point in meters, DIST_COAST=vessel's distance to the nearest coastline, and DIST_URBN= vessel's distance to the nearest urban area. This dataset was created using high-resolution satellite imagery obtained from the RapidEye and Planet Scope satellite constellations 5m/px and 3mpx resolution each. Vessel locations were manually digitized through visual photo interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery obtained through the Planet Application Program (Planet Labs PBC, Planet Application Program Interface: In Space for Life on Earth, 2018-2023, https://api.planet.com). Visual interpretation and digitization were overseen by Fernando



Marine Natural Resource Management, Spatial Analysis, Optical Remote Sensing
