
Published: 24 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rkxmncmr9k.1
Damian Bojanowski, Paulina Orlińska-Woźniak, Paweł Wilk,
, Ewa Szalinska


Data used for "Spatial and temporal changes in nutrient source contribution in a lowland catchment within the Baltic Sea region under climate change scenarios". The database contains results of the modelling study performed for the Wełna River catchment (part of Odra River basin, central Poland). Using the calibrated and verified basin created in the DNS/SWAT Macromodel as a baseline scenario, subsequently the climate and land use scenarios were superimposed. The climate change scenarios were prepared using temperature and precipitation projections based on the data from the Euro-CORDEX, Regional climate models (RCM) , and the Global Climate Models. Data from the Poznań – Ławica synoptic station (52.416885, 16.834444) has been used, and is located 25 km away from the Oborniki calculation profile. The statistical postprocessing (downscaling) was performed using the tools available in the R environment. Wełna River catchment has been divided into 7 subcatchments and the results refer to them. The file consists of three Excel sheets: 1. "Data” – a results from modelling. Results are divided into 7 columns: Scenario – information about scenario: base scenario and four variant scenarios: RCP4.5 (2026–2035) – V1, RCP4.5 (2046–2055) – V2, RCP8.5 (2026–2035) – V3, and RCP8.5 (2046–2055) – V4; Month – consecutive number or ‘TOTAL’ for the whole year; Subcatchment – number for subcatchment (according to the file subcatchments.zip); Indicator – TN for total nitrogen and TP for total phosphorus; Source – information about source of nutrients; Value – value. Unit – kg/month or kg/year. 2. "YEAR" – pivot table representing results for all subcatchments 3. "MONTH": – pivot table representing results for particular months The study resulted from the research performed by the Interdisciplinary Research Group - Pollutant Transport in a Catchment: http://ochrsrod.agh.edu.pl/index.html



Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza imienia Stanislawa Staszica w Krakowie


Ecological Modeling, Water Resource, Nutrient Pollution


AGH University of Krakow

IDUB AGH nr 501.696.7996/L-34

Institute of Meteorology and Water Management

