Analysis of Outpatient Satisfaction on the Quality of Pharmaceutical Services at Major General Haji Ahmad Thalib Hospital, Kerinci, Jambi Province, Indonesia
Research on the effect of outpatient satisfaction on the quality of pharmaceutical services at Major General H. A. Thalib Hospital, Kerinci, Jambi Province, Indonesia, aims to analyse patient satisfaction based on five dimensions of service quality, namely tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy. A sample of 106 patients who met the inclusion criteria were taken from an outpatient at this hospital. The duration of the study is three months. The data were collected by cross sectional using questioner and data were processed based on gap value that is difference between performance value and expectation value. The results showed that most of the respondents were women (76.4%) and they were from the younger generation of 18-49 years (57.5%). Most of the respondents had junior high school education (32.1%). Most respondents have income between Rp 1,000,000 to Rp 5,000,000 (73.6%). Most respondents work as housewives (50.9%). The greatest gap is in assurance dimensions (-0.93), followed by responsiveness and empathy dimensions (respectively -0.90), and the lowest gap is in reliability and tangible dimensions (respectively -0.89). The negative gap values indicate that outpatients in this hospital have not been satisfied with the pharmaceutical services provided.
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The study was conducted at Major General Haji Ahmad Thalib Hospital, Kerinci District, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The hospital has a capacity of 181 beds [15]. The duration of the study was three months, from March 1, 2017 to May 31, 2017. A sample of 106 people were selected from patients after receiving prescribed medicines from hospital pharmacies, approval from each patient was obtained before filling out the questionnaire [16]. This study is a cross-sectional study conducted at one time. The research instrument is a questionnaire adapted from the literature [17]. The questionnaire was translated into Indonesian, and tested on two experts. The reliability or internal consistency of the item questionnaire is assessed by measuring the Cronbach alpha and within an acceptable range (0.912). Four trained pharmacy students distributed questionnaires. Patients were initially given an idea of the purpose of the survey and the data would be treated anonymously. Educated patients fill out questionnaires and illiterate patients assisted by students to understand all items and select their responses according to available answers. The questionnaire is described in Indonesian or simple language for patients who can not speak Indonesian. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first section includes socio-demographic profiles and general information about patients. This section covers gender, age, education level, income level, occupation and frequency of visits to pharmacies. The second section consists of 21 questions that test the five dimensions of patient satisfaction: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and physical appearance of pharmacies. Five points - Likert scale has been used to measure satisfaction, ie very good = 5, good = 4, good enough = 3, less goodl = 2, and not good = 1. The questionnaire item is encoded and the data is first entered into Microsoft Excel and checked before it is entered in the SPSS Package version 22 [18]. The Likert type scale for the questionnaire item consists of 5 points, from the bad to the very good (1 - 5 signs). Midpoint 3 is considered the lowest level of satisfaction with pharmaceutical services. The lowest score for 21 items of questionnaires was 21 and the highest was 105. The center point was assumed to be 63, and this was considered the lowest level for acceptable amount of satisfaction. Descriptive statistics are used (mean, frequency, percentage and standard deviation). The associations between the various socio-demographic variables and questionnaire items were explored using Student t-test and One-Way Anova. P-values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.