An assessment of personality traits based on photos on Inastagram

Published: 9 November 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/rm9hhxwt6y.2
Milica Schraggeová,


This research is focused on the accuracy assessment of personality traits based on visual content (photos) on the Instagram social network. The research sample consisted of a group of participants who provided voluntary their Instagram profiles for assessment (N = 4) and a group of independent assessors (N = 342). The accuracy of the assessment was based on the assessors' consensus and the degree of agreement between assessors and the accuracy criterion. The accuracy criterion is based on a self-assessment and an assessment by another close person selected by the profile owner. The highest assessor consensus was for extraversion, and the most accurately assessed traits were neuroticism and agreeableness – with women being more accurate in their assessments. Despite expectations, however, the assessors were most accurate in evaluating neuroticism and agreeableness. The data consists of four datasets and one file of data description. Dataset A: Self-reports of Instagram profile owners. Four profile owners completed a questionnaire consisting of items on demographic data and user behavior on Instagram and personality (Ten Item Personality Inventory TIPI). Dataset B: Assessment by a close person. The assessment by a close person allowed us to create a correctness criterion based on a self-report assessment and an assessment by another person. Dataset C: Assessment of four Instagram profile owners by independent assessors (N = 342). In this data set are differences between correctness criterion and average of assessment of BF personality traits (overestimation and underestimation of traits by independent assessors). Dataset D: Correctness criterion. The calculation of average value between self-report and other report (close person). The file Variables description contents exact description of every variable in all four datasets.



Personality Psychology
