Data for: Revising the line-shape parameters for air- and self- broadened CO2 lines toward a sub-percent accuracy level

Published: 7 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rm9nbr7nd6.1
Robab Hashemi, Roman V. Kochanov, Ngoc Hoa NGO, Yan Tan, Julien Lamouroux, Tran Ha, Laurence Rothman, Ekaterina Karlovets, Iouli Gordon


Table 1: Speed-dependent Voigt line-shape parameters for air-broadened CO2 lines, deduced from rCMDS-calculated spectra. gamma0, gamma2 are in cm-1/atm and Y as first-order line-mixingin atm-1. In parenthesis there are the statistical uncertainty in the unit of the last quoted digit. Table 2: The revised line shape parameters of CO2-air and CO2-CO2 using the Voigt and speed dependent Voigt profiles. The update on the Voigt parameters group is included in the '.par' file as in HITRAN 2016 plus the first two extra columns for the temperetaure dependence of self- half width (n_air) and self shifts (delta-self) for the Voigt profile. The next columns are the update of speed dependent Voigt parameters as follows: air- half width (gamma_SDV_0_air_296), self- half width (gamma_SDV_0_self_296), temperature dependence of air- half width (n_SDV_air_296), temperature dependence of self- half width (n_SDV_self_296), air- speed dependence of width (gamma_SDV_2_air_296)/(gamma_SDV_0_air_296), self- speed dependence of width (gamma_SDV_2_self_296)/(gamma_SDV_0_self_296), air- first-orderline mixing (Y_SDV_air_296), self- first-order line mixing (Y_SDV_self_296), temperature dependence of air- speed dependence of width (n_gamma_SDV_2_air_296), and temperature dependence of air- first-orderline mixing (n_Y_SDV_air_296), respectively.



Molecular Spectroscopy
