The Prime Minister of Iraq Dr. Haider Al-Abadi, Political Semantics of his speeches

Published: 28 July 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/rmrcrtp76p.1
Abbas Hussein Tarish, Hasan K. Naji


This Data gathered from the prime minister Haider Al-Abadi’s speeches, retrieved from “Media Office of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi” source in Arabic language, and translated literally into English language, in order to interpret semantic discourse peculiarities of his presidential speeches to the Iraqis, according to ‘political communication theory’. In addition, to identify his persuasive communication methods that he used.


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This data, collectively, help us to analyze the comprehensive understanding of the various effect factors used by the Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi addressed the public.


Semantics, Discourse Analysis, Political Communication, Corpus Linguistics, Language Politics, Media Politics, Pragmatic Processing
