Development of Composite Building Material Based on Flax Straw Organic Waste: Hydrothermal and Physiochemical Properties
There are included two folders in the source: 1. Raw pictures of the Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) analysis of the composite's surface 2. Spectral analysis of the composite's surface with the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and retractable Backscattered Electron (BSE) detector of the microscope TESCAN VEGA SBU.
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Research data on surface elemental mapping and spectrometry. The images of composite surface were obtained by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) VEGA 3 SBU (TESCAN) with a Secondary Electrons mode (SE) for the inspection of the topography surfaces and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) with a retractable Backscattered Electron (BSE) detector for the information on the sample’s composition. SEM analysis has been done on the exterior and interior surfaces of the flax straw particles with a size of 6.5 mm × 1 mm. The analysis was performed in the high vacuum pressurized chamber (<1×10-2 Pa). The 30 kV electron beam with the resolution of 3.0 nm (arbitrary unit, defined by Vega3 TESCAN) [according to Instruction for use VEGA 3 SBU, TESCAN] and the working distance at a range between 14.87 mm till 18.98 mm were used. Incident probe current, contrast and brightness levels were set to allow the obtaining a colorless surface mapping (SE images) and dispersive spectroscopy (BSE images) with a good quality for further processing. Each separate microscope image contains microscope mode information including detector mode, working distance in mm, view field in mm, scale, and zoom magnification.