CCMA primary multi-omics datasets
Published: 19 April 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/rnfs539pfw.3
, , Ron FiresteinDescription
We establish a single-site collection of 243 cell lines, including 207 paediatric cancer cell lines representing 14 distinct extracranial and brain childhood tumour types. We subjected 164 paediatric cancer cell lines to multi-omic analyses across three dimensions (DNA-sequencing, RNA-sequencing, DNA methylation) to classify them based on clinically relevant molecular subtypes.
Steps to reproduce
Please refer the CCMA paper published in Cancer Cell for the methods of generating the datasets.
Monash University, Hudson Institute of Medical Research Centre for Cancer Research
DNA Sequencing, RNA Sequencing, DNA Methylation, Drug Screening, CRISPR/Cas9