1. Temporary_Sta_Weiyuan includes the station info of the dense seismic network in the Weiyuan region,which is deployed by the Institute of Geophysics, CEA. This network consisted of 33 broadband stations with an average spacing of ~10 km. 2. P_arrival_time_weiyuan_temporary_v2.dat includes the P-wave picks, which are measured using the STA/LTA method.
Steps to reproduce
P_arrival_time_weiyuan_temporary_v2.dat includes the P-wave picks, which are measured using the STA/LTA method, data recorded between November 2019 and June 2020 with epicentral distances less than 150 km are selected in this dataset. In a addition, We assemble the data recorded at ~80 permanent and temporary stations in the Weiyuan and Changning regions from January 2019 to October 2020. The seismic relocation results and a three-dimensional fine velocity model of the shallow crust in the Weiyuan and Changning areas of the southern Sichuan Basin are obtained with the double-difference seismic tomography method.