Data for: Characterization of metabolic, diffusion, and perfusion properties in GBM: contrast-enhancing versus non-enhancing tumor
These data include quantified HR-MAS metabolite levels (unitless; Cramer-Rao < 12%) from image-guided tissue samples; in vivo imaging intensity values, normalized in vivo spectroscopy metabolite levels, and derived perfusion and diffusion parameter values from 5-mm-diameter ROIs where tissue were sampled. Data are organized by enhancing (Enh+) vs non-enhancing (Enh-) classifications of tissue designated by "GROUP" as well as by tissue sample "ID". Unique "ID" numbers are associated with each patient and repeated numbers indicate multiple samples per patient. A random mixed effects model detailed in the R code was applied to continuous imaging and histopathological parameters in order to predict enhancement status when accounting for repeated specimen sampling. Ordinal histopathology parameters were compared between Enh+ and Enh- tumor samples using a proportional odds logistic regression model shown in the SAS code that also accounted for repeated sampling.