Impact of augmented reality on optometric parameters and fatigue symptoms

Published: 21 January 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/rpsvy6b23g.2
Mathilde Drouot


In this work (availble online we assessed if using augmented reality (AR) instructions to guide a manual task, could potentially impact the visual system of operators. A before/after design study was carried out asking participants (N=23) to perform LEGO assemblies for 30 minutes with paper or AR instructions. The effects of using AR (optical see-through) compared to paper instructions were evaluated, on binocular vision with classical optometric measurements, and on visual fatigue with the Virtual Reality Symptoms Questionnaire. This dataset contains two files : 1. Optometric measurements : Raw data for monocular visual acuity, stereoacuity, vertical fixation disparity, vertical phoria, amplitude of fusion, monocular accommodation amplitude. Data are available for the four different blocks, i.e., with AR instructions, paper instructions, before and after. 2. Virtual reality symptoms questionnaire Raw data for the 13 symptoms items Data are available for the four different blocks, i.e., with AR instructions, paper instructions, before and after. For each file, a dataset description is included to explain content and column headings. For most optometric measurements, no clinically significant changes were found for AR and paper instructions, and only negligible fatigue symptoms were found specifically for AR. Results from both objective and subjective measurements suggest that there is no impact of AR on the oculomotor system and that in this specific use case, AR can be safely used for production operators.



IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de Loire


Optometry, Questionnaire
